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【フワフワインテリアキット フェ…
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【SIBORI 若竹色/菜の花色…
We are professional paper manufacturing experts determined to add new value to paper through our ever improving technology.
Throughout our 50 year history in the small city of Tamba, surrounded as we are by mountains and nature, we have put our heart and soul into the manufacture of paper. We are not, however, only manufacturing paper, or assorting various types of paper. We have invested our technology into producing paper that is stronger and more adaptable, continuously adding new and profound characteristics that are not to be found elsewhere. These include lamination, the molding of a shape by making the surface of the paper uneven and the sizing of the paper to any dimension.
豊かな自然の残る里山、兵庫県丹波市にて50年以上「紙づくり」一筋で歩んできました。しかし、私達は製紙メーカではありません。私達は数多くの紙の品揃えをしている訳でもありません。私達はあらゆる紙に「技術」を加えて、より強く、より馴染み、より深みのあるどこにもない紙を作り上げます。それは、紙と紙を合わせる。蝋を染み込ませる。紙に凹凸をつけて型を浮き上がらせる。決められた寸法に裂く。様々な加工を要望に応じて施すことが可能です。全ては熟練の技がその加工を支えています。一つ一つの工程に人の手を加え、「紙を超えた紙」を作り上げます。teshio paperは、人の手による高度な技術を用いた「手塩にかけた紙」であり、日本料理ならではの多種多様な料理に対応する「おてしょ」小皿のように、様々な用途に小ロットにも対応出来る柔軟性のある製品づくりを目指します。
The name 'teshio' paper originates from the Japanese word 'teshio' meaning hand (te) and salt (shio). This refers to the small quantity of salt on a small plate known as 'otesho' that comes with food and is used to adjust the taste to suit one's preferences. We use our advanced technology coupled to the skills of the human hand to provide custom orders and can respond to a variety of processing needs, as well as deal with small production orders. We strive to create paper that expands the potential of what paper can be, and take pride in the professionalism of
our craftsmanship.
Various techniques of paper making
teshio paper を支える職人達
Craftsmen of 'teshio' paper
teshio paperを支える個性豊かな職人集団。轟々と鳴り響く大型の機械に立ち向かい、より強く、より繊細な紙を作り出す。一人五役マルチプレイヤー宣言と銘打って仕事をする彼等の姿には、妥協を決して許さないものづくりの原点がここにあります。繊細で味わいのある紙は、その無駄のない動きから作り出されます。自然豊かな里山丹波での50年以上培われた確かな技術と新たな挑戦を繰り返すからこそ、確かな製品が出来るのです。
The craftsmen and women who create 'teshio' paper are a team with a unique character. With their large rumbling machine, they strive to create ever stronger and more delicate paper. The essence of their craftsmanship is to be found in their multi- role approach and an attitude which refuses to accept compromise. It is their teamwork and technology, cultivated for more than 50 years, which guarantees the production of a high quality product with every new challenge.