弊社は、加工紙メーカーとして50年以上に渡り、各企業やユーザーの要望 に答えるため、防湿性・防水性・保護性・耐久性・緩衝性をもたせ、加工の 技術を高めてきました。半世紀過ぎた今、多くの人々との出会いによって teshio paperは誕生し、新たな進化をとげようとしています。国内に残され た希少設備と職人の技術によって独自の変化をもたらした、和紙ではない新 感覚の日本の紙です。
新しい価値観を持ったteshio paperは、各業界やさまざまな分野で末永く愛 される紙を目指しています。
Since establishing our company over 50 years ago, we have been continuously improving our processing technology - by adding moisture proof, waterproof, durability and shock absorbing properties to paper - all to meet the stringent needs of our clients for a professional paper manufacturer.
Now that we have passed the half century mark, 'teshio' paper has emerged from our wonderful encounters with many people and experts in many fields over the years, and constitutes a new departure in our progress and development. 'teshio' paper itself is truly a new type of paper which has come to life through the combination of our unique technological facilities and the expert knowledge and skill of our craftspeople. We aim to embue 'teshio' with a new sense of value with regards to what paper is, and we hope this can be experienced and valued by our many clients around the world.
For Overseas clients
Orders from overseas are welcome. Please feel free to contact us through the enquiry form for further consultation relating to production lot, size, estimate etc. Through the application of various techniques, we are able to add new and unique features that cannot be found elsewhere, bringing out the infinite possibilities of paper that is made uniquely for you.
By doing so, we are able to add unique features
which expand the potential of paper.
With our combination of paper and technology,
we continue to pursue our goal of realizing the infinite range of characteristics of paper.
Combination of 4 distinct technologies. (We have succeeded in producing 1200 patterns of of paper through our method of matching different materials together.)
An outstanding feature of our company is that the entire manufacturing process is completed on-site, in one factory.
We put our heart and soul into the manufacture of our paper and deliver it with pride to our clients. We are willing to receive small lot production as well as custom-made production orders.